Primal Transmutation- December 11th, 2023, Brooklyn

This is an advanced temple for seasoned seekers.

We’ve forgotten so much. We’ve repressed so much. We’ve buried so much. The journey from primal to ego is long and draining.

Together, we will return to the primal. Together we’ll walk forward. Together we’ll transmute the blocks in our way.

You’ll be supported to design a custom ritual with a partner that will melt your hurdles and reclaim your purpose.

This temple includes elements of:

This experience is not for everyone. If you’ve been referred or are not someone we’re familiar with from previous temples, we may reach out to ask you about your experiences.

What to Bring


All proceeds from this event will benefit Youtopia. We’ve been guests there for many experiences and they are expanding, upgrading, and growing. The suggested contribution is $55. Feel free to offer more so we can continue to fuel our collective temple.

Send PayPal or Zelle to dreamspace (at) youtopia (dot) co

Contact Rachael with questions: +1 (262) 623-0477

Doors at 7 pm.

Start at 7:30 sharp!

Temple Address

One Comment on “Primal Transmutation- December 11th, 2023, Brooklyn

  1. I am an “Advanced Teacher of Tantra Yoga” from the Charles Muyr Source School of Tantra Yoga in Santa Cruz.
    Curious about this event as both my practices of Soul Boxing and Sexual Healing are deeply rooted in the (re-) connection to the primal, the organic, the instinctual, the very original nature and purpose of it all.
    I happen to be a veterinarian, specialized in birds and exotic animals , which helps in surrendering to what is without the fluff and contortions of the mind.