Kink Lab- Brooklyn, NY May 3rd 2023

We’ll set the space and connect, land, shake off the day, and share our mildest/wildest for the night. Then we’ll see who wants to explore serving vs being served. We’ll move from partner to partner with different engagement prompts. Negotiate your boundaries then explore the full expression of what’s possible with this person.

What To Bring:

Sensation toys

An open mind

Clear boundaries

Safer sex supplies you prefer

Snacks to share!

Comfy clothes you can move in

When and Where:

This will be in Brooklyn, NY May 3rd at 8pm. Doors close at 8:30 for our opening circle. We will have a closing circle at 10:30 pm and you’re welcome to stay longer.

The address will be shared with ticket holders and the guest list will be kept private.

Buy tickets here!